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Beloved and Blessed

Nov 29, 2021

Why do we believe in the Eucharist? Kimberly Hahn shares a straightforward guide to the Eucharist, from the Old Testament to our lives today.

Find more useful guides to the sacraments in Kimberly Hahn’s Graced and Gifted: Biblical Wisdom for the Homemaker’s Heart.

Dive into the Mass and the Eucharist in the video...

Nov 22, 2021

Women especially struggle with embracing a healthy image of our bodies and incorporating healthy eating habits. Kimberly Hahn shares how the Christian view of food can help set us free.


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Discover a theology of food in Emily Stimpson Chapman’s The Catholic Table.

Learn how to feast and fast with the Church...

Nov 15, 2021

Busy schedules can make it nearly impossible to set aside time for a family meal, but this time is so important. Kimberly Hahn shares traditions that build up the family around the table.

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Find more ideas and inspiration for the family meal and showing hospitality with two resources by Emily Stimpson Chapman:

Nov 8, 2021

The Old Testament heroine Abigail is an example of selfless serving and hospitality out of love for God. But how do we display this same service, even within our own families? Kimberly Hahn shares practical tips.

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Find more practical tips for serving God and our family in Graced and Gifted: Biblical Wisdom...

Nov 1, 2021

Family meals are more than just practical affairs. From liturgical living to family traditions, how we feed our family impacts how we nourish our souls and build up family life.

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Grow in devotion to Our Lady as a family with Through the Year with Mary by Katherine Bogner.

Discover a theology of food that...